Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Feeling sorry for myself

It has been a really busy day in work - in fact it's going to be a hectic two weeks now until finishing for Christmas.  

I'm also feeling sorry for myself as I have been sneezing and sniffling all day, I don't think it helps that I am sat next to a window and there always seems to be a draft!  Looks like I will be having a lemsip, hot bath and an early night and I will hopefully be feeling better tomorrow.

Anyway, the cute items I bought from the makeup lady that comes in work with a stall cheered me up.  I think she is one of the company make up artist's who often sets up a stall near the canteen selling loads of pretty make up and cosmetics.  As always I am sucked in as soon as I see the mac products and usually leave feeling £50 lighter.  I was actually quite good this time and only bought two little treats:

How cute?  I was going to keep them for my self (selfishly!) but my sister really likes the mascara and my best friend really wanted the blush when I showed her so maybe I will give them as part of their Christmas presents, as I have more than enough to keep me going!

Anyway, I'm not going to go in to too much this eve as I need an early night!  My lovely mum just brought me up a lemsip! <3

I think I am going to go cheer myself up looking at potential holiday ideas, I have requested extra days this year (work run a scheme to take extra days holiday and they deduct the cost over the year) so I am planning a few trips away.  I have found this website where you can rent out old fashion style roman gypsy caravans - they look so cute!  http://gypsycaravanbreaks.co.uk/ Do any of you have any exciting holiday plans this year?

Lots of love, take care!


  1. I love MAC! Hope you feel better soon x

  2. ohhhwww.....love the items!! nice shade for the blush!


  3. that blush is so pretty! xx http://mimieatly.blogspot.com/
